Dog Training - DIY or Hire a Pro? Pros and Cons

Feb 22, 2023

If you're a dog owner, you're probably aware that dog training is an essential aspect of responsible dog ownership. Training your dog is not just about teaching them basic obedience commands but also about addressing specific behavioural issues that can make it challenging to live with your furry friend.

However, the question that comes up for most dog owners is whether to train their dogs themselves or hire a professional. In this post, we'll explore the pros and cons of both approaches, to help you make an informed decision.

DIY Dog Training:


  1. Affordability: DIY dog training is relatively cheaper than hiring a professional. You can purchase books, online courses, and even attend free seminars and workshops to learn about dog training.

  2. Bonding: Training your dog yourself can be a great way to strengthen your bond with your furry friend. Training sessions offer an excellent opportunity to spend quality time with your dog and teach them in a way that suits their individual needs.

  3. Flexibility: With DIY dog training, you have the flexibility to work with your dog at your own pace and in your preferred time and location.


  1. Time-consuming: Training your dog yourself can be a time-consuming process. You need to invest a significant amount of time and energy into learning about dog behaviour, training techniques, and strategies, as well as implementing them effectively.

  2. Lack of expertise: Without professional training, you may lack the knowledge and skills required to identify specific behavioural issues or address them effectively.

  3. Frustration: Teaching your dog commands and behaviours may take more time than expected, and it's easy to become frustrated with slow progress or a lack of results.

Hiring a Professional:


  1. Expertise: Professional dog trainers are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and expertise to identify and address specific behavioural issues effectively.

  2. Faster Results: Professional dog trainers have the experience and expertise to train your dog efficiently and effectively, often resulting in faster results.

  3. Customisation: Professional dog trainers can create customised training programs that cater to your dog's specific needs, making the training process more efficient and effective.


  1. Cost: Professional dog training can be expensive, and the cost can be prohibitive for some dog owners.

  2. Scheduling: Scheduling training sessions can be challenging, particularly if you have a busy work or personal schedule.

  3. Limited interaction: Working with a professional trainer may limit the amount of time you get to spend training and bonding with your dog.

Whether you decide to train your dog yourself or hire a professional, it's essential to choose a method that suits your lifestyle, your dog's individual needs, and your budget. Remember that training your dog is an ongoing process that requires patience, dedication, and consistency, regardless of the approach you choose.

With a DIY approach, you'll need to invest a significant amount of time and energy into learning and implementing effective training techniques. In contrast, working with a professional can provide faster results and a customised training program, but it can be costly and limit your interaction with your dog.

Whatever approach you choose, remember that successful dog training is all about building a positive relationship with your furry friend and addressing specific behavioural issues effectively.
Good luck with your training journey!

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