10 Dog Training Hand Signals and How to Use Them

Feb 8, 2023

Yoo-hoo, all you fur-parenting enthusiasts! Are you ready to take your dog training to the next level? Well, buckle up, because today we're going to explore the wonderful world of dog training hand signals!

We'll be covering all the juicy details on the why, what, and how of hand signals. From common signals you can teach your pup to helpful tips on making sure they stick. So, let's get this pawty started!

Let's have some fun learning about dog training hand signals! Did you know that dogs have multiple senses, just like us humans? They use their ears to listen, their noses to smell, and their eyes to see. So, why not train our furry friends in a way that appeals to as many senses as possible? That's right, using hand signals can be a fantastic way to communicate with our pups.

Here's the scoop, using hand signals can be especially helpful in certain situations. For example, our dogs may experience hearing loss as they age, so knowing hand signals is a backup plan for communication. Or, if there's a lot of noise and distractions around, hand signals can help your pup understand you even better. Plus, dogs are naturally better at picking up body language, making hand signals easier for them to associate with a behaviour.


Ready to get started? Here are 10 hand signals to teach your pup:

  1. Sit


train dog sitSit is probably the most common and important dog command, and this is a good place to start when it comes to training your dog to understand hand signals. For sit, hold your palm open in front of your chest and move you hand in an upwards motion.

  1. Down
train dog down

Another great signal to help settle your dog is lay down. The action for this command is to hold your finger pointed up at your chest and do a sweeping diagonal motion down. Have a treat in your hand while training and your dog’s nose is sure to follow!

  1. Come

dog come training

Another meaningful command is to call your dog to come. For a hand signal, start with your hand at your side with your palm facing up and bring your hand up to the opposite shoulder.

  1. Wait

train dog to wait

Wait is a great behaviour for controlling impulses and keeping your dog calm around exciting stimuli. To signal wait, hold your hand out in front of you at about waist height, with your palm facing forward.

  1. Drop

Suppose that he picks something up that he shouldn’t have. You need to get it away from him ASAP. If you chase him, he just makes it a game. And, with four legs to our two, he’ll probably win. So teach him to drop it. The command also comes in handy when playing fetch with your dog. To train it, if your dog is holding a toy in his mouth, show him your closed fist right in front of him.  Then open your fist. When he drops his toy, praise and reward him. To help him learn the command, at first, you can have a treat in your closed fist to exchange for the toy.

  1. High Five

dog high five training

While high five uses a dog’s paw, you can also utilize a similar hand signal with touch (which uses your dog’s nose). Crouch down to your dog’s level, and put your palm out towards them, just like you would if you were asking a person for a high five!

  1. Fetch

Fetch is a great cue to sharpen your dog’s focus, as you can have them stay while you throw an object and release them to fetch it on your cue. To signal fetch, point your finger with your hand at your side and raise it to point forward towards your object.

  1. Roll over

train dog to roll over

Roll over is another one where the hand signal mimics exactly what you want your dog to do. With an outstretched arm and hand pointed in front of you, move your arm in an arc movement to signal how you’d like your dog to move.

  1. Stay

Debatably the most important command along with sit, this is an essential command, especially when you are on the street with your pooch. This time hold your palm in front of your chest facing away from you and down at your dog.

  1. Up

Cue your dog to raise their front paws up and sit back on their hind legs. With your palm facing up, move your outstretched hand upwards from about your waist to about your shoulders.



Now that you have a good understanding of basic hand signals for dog training, you can start incorporating them into your dog’s training. 

Here are some tips for teaching your dog hand signals:

  • Train in a distraction-free environment to ensure your pup stays focused on you.
  • Focus on one behavior at a time to avoid confusion.
  • Use the verbal cue alongside the hand signal while you have your dog's attention.
  • Gradually fade out the verbal cue and rely solely on the hand signal.
  • Mix up the use of hand signal and verbal cue during training.
  • As your dog masters the hand signal, gradually add distractions to their training environment.

Whether you're just starting your training journey or you're a seasoned pro, hand signals are a must-know to spice up your pup’s training sessions! Using hand signals makes it a breeze to give your commands, no matter the distractions or distance. Get ready to elevate your pet-owner bond!

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